HomeRefund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

We at OffDef Cyber Solutions LLP, are dedicated to providing a rewarding and effective learning experience for our users. To ensure transparency and fairness, we have established the following refund policy:

Refund Eligibility:

Refunds are available within 7 days of the enrollment date, provided the user has not used credentials to login licensed platform
To request a refund, users must submit a written request to admissions@offdef.com.

Refund Process:

Refund requests will be reviewed by our team within 7 days of receipt.
Approved refunds will be processed using the original method of payment unless otherwise specified.

Refund Amount:

The refund amount will be subject to a processing fee.
Any promotional discounts or coupons used during the original purchase will be deducted from the refund amount.

Non-Refundable Items:

Certain items, such as enrollment fees or access to downloadable materials, may be non-refundable.
Users who violate the terms of service or engage in fraudulent activity are not eligible for refunds.

Special Circumstances:

Exceptions to this policy may be made in cases of extenuating circumstances, such as medical emergencies or other unforeseen events, at the discretion of Admission officer.

Cancellation of Program:

In the event that Offdef Cyber Solutions LLP cancels a course, users will be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid.

Contact Information:

For any questions or to request a refund, please contact our Admissions team at admissions@offdef.com.
This refund policy is effective as of 25 Nov 2023 and may be subject to updates. Any changes will be communicated to users through our website or via email.

Offdef Cyber Solutions LLP

Course, programme, website content and curriculum listed are subject to change without prior notice.


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