Securing Your Digital Future: Our Cyber Security Firm's Mission and Expertise

Empowering Your Cyber Defense: Our Cyber Security Courses Provide the Knowledge and Skills You Need to Stay Safe Online

Our vision is to be the world leader in cybersecurity skill training and technology development

We are a group of professionals with very diverse experience in the military, media and large corporations and driven through a common passion for entrepreneurship, cybersecurity, ethics and a larger motive of making the world a more secure place. The Hacker Central series of certifications is our trademark certification program, created to make a dimensional shift in the Cyber Security skill training and international accreditation. As an enterprise, we are aspiring to bridge the enormous gap in cybersecurity talent requirement and human resource availability across all segments of corporate and Government agencies across the globe.

As the world scales up further in digital, and penetration of the Internet is all pervasive, it is true to say ‘Every company is a Tech company’. As nations, Governments, and companies transform into the digital realm, there are inherent risks associated with exponential increase in the risk exposure surface of the companies, to various forms of attacks and malicious actors lurking in the shadows of the cyber world. Ironically, schools and university programs across the globe do not prepare students or adequately skill the experienced professionals in the domain of Security.

We believe in characterising people by their actions and not so much by their words.

Most certifications and training programs in the security domain test only theoretical knowledge, lacking practical experiential training and accreditation. Within the framework of The Hacker Central, we endeavour to provide up-skilling opportunities at affordable prices and through scholarship programmes, and university partnership and affiliate programs, which will be a win-win situation for students, professionals as well as corporate entities.

We believe in characterising people by their actions and not so much by their words. Our people are action oriented and results driven, with childlike enthusiasm and creativity. We aspire to become the world leaders in cybersecurity training and develop a large pool of talented and adequately trained cybersecurity professionals as valuable human resources for Corporates and Government agencies across the world.

Our Core Principles

Be a major contributor for augmentation of skills of students and workforce in Cyber Security domain.

Be a trusted skilling, compliance and Risk Program Advisor.

Deliver cost-effective technology to reduce enterprise-wide risk.

Provide expert Consulting Services to support Client’s Board of Directors and senior leadership.

Make a range of cybersecurity products with robust architecture in flexible, cost-effective models.

Detect and respond to threats on the Customer’s behalf, and manage security as a service.

Mission Statement

Promote high-end, simulator-based, hands-on Cyber Security offensive and defensive training to develop a large highly reliable cybersecurity talent pool.

Provide professional staffing and consulting services for private and public companies of all sizes, government, law enforcement, and military.

Create niche cybersecurity products for different demographics, verticals, and sectors. To provide government, military, and private companies with GRC consulting, reverse engineering, malware analysis, and threat assessment.

Committed to spreading internet security awareness, among children and young adults to promote cyber safety and education. Scholarship programmes can tap into this huge potential, benefiting students, corporations, and governments. 

Our Amazing Team

Meet Our Team of Experienced Cyber Security Professionals and Instructors Dedicated to Your Success!

Bheem Reddy

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

An Indian Navy veteran specialized in IT & Infosec Project Management. Keynote Speaker. Was member of Joint Services IT Consultative Group at Ministry of Defence, Co-author of cyber strategy vision document and IT training policy for Navy.

Arunamoy Roy

Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer

Arun is a seasoned technology & program management professional with over 20 years of experience. He specializes in driving innovation in large & complex teams to deliver scalable technology solutions.

Advisory Team

Vaibhav Patkar

Vaibhav Patkar

Cyber security Expert 
Chief Information Security Officer, MNC 
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Dr Rakesh Jha

Dr Rakesh Jha

Chief Privacy Officer
Alliance Pro`
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Kunal Panchamia

Kunal Panchamia

Head of Security Operations & GRC – Master certification authority for all ISO standards

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Stay Ahead in Cyber Defense Game

Partner with us for tailored solutions in Cyber security architecture, Governance, compliance and workforce transformation through focussed skilling and talent acquisition. Contact Us to get Started!

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